Emotional Intelligence Assessment

From Scot Conway: http://scotconway.com/emotional-intelligence-test.html

Continuing From Wherever You Are Now

People who have some training in Emotional Intelligence skills are usually aware that they are lacking in some key dimensions. Often, their business training helps them deal with emotional team members or emotional clients. That’s good. It’s very useful. Managers with that kind of training may have a nagging feeling that they are missing something. Sure, the techniques work, but there is more to an Emotional Intelligence Test than a handful of techniques – even very, very effective techniques!

Others have been trained in how to manage their own emotions. They can summon up real emotions at will. No matter how they are really feeling, they can summon genuine happiness or excitement to walk into a client meeting. No matter how insecure they might really feel, they can summon confidence before they shake hands and put on a great show. Some of the less skilled are faking it. Some of the best bring up the emotion for real. Even the very, very skilled might hear a whisper somewhere in the back of their mind that maybe those emotions they are turning off might be important after all.

Even with these skills, there are new dimensions to explore. Very, very rare is the person who truly has a grasp of every dimension of a Emotional Intelligence test. Some do. Even if you do, it’s good to know for certain. Taking a free emotional intelligence assessment helps you take a look at each dimension of your EQ (Emotional IQ).


From: sokescot@aol.com [sokescot@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 4:53 PM
To: Sandell, Elizabeth Jill
Subject: Here is your Emotional Intelligence Basic Assessment

Here is your customized report. It has been compiled for you based upon your responses to the Emotional Intelligence Basic Assessment. Getting this foundational information already puts you at an exceptional level of insight into Emotional Intelligence.

Question 1 A basic definition of Emotional Intelligence is the ability to PUMU: Perceive, Understand, Manage and Use emotions. This includes your own and those of others. PERCEIVE (Self): How Do You Do Perceiving Your Own Emotions?

Your Answer: D. I both know how to make subtle distinctions and how to decode mixed up feelings. I can feel a lot of different things all at once and pull them apart one by one and see what each one is – even if they conflict.

This gives you a score of 4

This is Genius Level.

PERCEIVE (Self): Everyone knows they feel. High Emotional Intelligence for Perceive is making subtle distinctions between emotions. It helps tremendously to know what emotions mean. When you know what the mean, you can consider whether the feeling really is anger, or maybe it’s really frustration, or maybe it’s anger at being hurt, and it’s the hurt that must be dealt with. It takes some experience and insight or a high level of intuition to make these distinctions effectively.

Question 2 PERCEIVE (Others): How Do You Do Perceiving the Emotions of Others?

Your Answer: B. I’m pretty intuitive and can usually tell what someone is feeling. I only miss subtle distinctions, and even then, sometimes I get them, too.

This gives you a score of 2

This is a little above average.

PERCEIVE (Others): High Emotional Intelligence can be intuitive, but it does not make you a mind reader. Knowing what emotions mean, exactly, allows you to observe and listen more constructively, or ask key questions to find out just what someone is feeling.

Question 3 UNDERSTAND (Self): How Well Do You Understand Your Own Emotions?

Your Answer: C. I know what individual emotions mean, so I know exactly what my feelings are telling me so I can take the most appropriate strategic action.

This gives you a score of 3

This is exceptional.

UNDERSTAND (Self): High Emotional Intelligence is grounded here. With a deep, Language of Emotions level of understanding, it helps you perceive more accurately, manage more effectively, and use your emotions better. This would be the place to focus your growth first if you want to develop Emotional Genius.

Question 4 UNDERSTAND (Others): How Well Do You Understand the Emotions of Others?

Your Answer: D. I can do everything in C, and I also understand the exact tactical and strategic actions that will best accomplish their real objectives. I can spot the most common mistakes that often make things worse, and I know exactly how to help them avoid those mistake.

This gives you a score of 4

This is Genius Level.

UNDERSTAND (Others): Knowing what emotions really mean provides you with insight into what is really going on inside someone. This lets you empathize more effectively and understand how someone is seeing a situation. When you need to influence someone, this is critical.

Question 5 MANAGE (Self): How Do You Manage Your Own Emotions?

Your Answer: C. I know how to generate whatever emotion I need in the moment to be effective at what I’m doing. It’s real emotion, not just pretending, so I really get results!

This gives you a score of 3

This is exceptional.

MANAGE (Self): State Management Skills are fundamental to success in almost every endeavor in life. Most people only learn to stuff their emotions or set them aside, and that is unhealthy in the long run. Really controlling emotions can be learned from any number of teachers in addition to Dr. Conway. Tony Robbins is probably the most well known of those who teach this skill.

Question 6 MANAGE (Others): How Do You Manage the Emotions of Others?

Your Answer: D. I know how to help others manage their own emotions with specific communication strategies that help me use my understanding of their feeling to help guide them to solid choices. Then I have my own emotion management techniques I can share with them once they are receptive to them.

This gives you a score of 4

This is Genius Level.

MANAGE (Others): Emotional Intelligence must be carefully applied to this! People with Emotional Genius know how to help others do this. There are several skills that are important here, mostly having to do with careful listening and asking key questions to help people see for themselves.

Question 7 USE (Self): How Do You Use Your Own Emotions to Help You?

Your Answer: D. In addition to C, I also use my emotional prompts to leverage my personal growth to geometrically increase my personal effectiveness and the qualify of my life. I stack my emotional sense of things (intuition) with my knowledge of things (logic) together to make incredibly useful choices.

This gives you a score of 4

This is Genius Level.

USE (Self): Applied Emotional Genius means you can do something with your emotions. Ultimately, knowing what you’re feeling, understanding that feeling, managing your emotions all have meaning for your life because you’ve learned how to use them to move your life forward. Emotions of Change tell you what to change. Emotions of Duplication tell you what to do again. Conway teaches very concrete action steps to take. It’s very powerful!

Question 8 USE (Others): How Do You Use the Emotions of Others to Help Them?

Your Answer: D. I know how to be the solution to their problem. This helps me build stronger relationships with clients, connect more deeply with family and friends, and stay close to the most important people in my life. Where I want/need an ongoing relationship, I use their emotions to make appropriate adjustments on my side so I can be more automatic in my effectiveness.

This gives you a score of 4

This is Genius Level.

USE (Others): Applied Emotions Genius here is incredibly powerful for leaders, managers, client services personnel, or, frankly, anyone in any relationship that deals with people who have feelings! Keep in mind: You can only change you. So the key here is persuading others so they want to make changes for themselves. If you know how hard it is to make difficult changes in yourself, you can relate to how hard it might be for others, too. With enough motivation from their own emotions, most people can change something – even if just a behavior right now in the moment.

This gives you a total score of: 28 Exceptional. You show definite signs of Emotional Genius. Congratulations! Maybe you already know the Language of Emotions. If you still need to learn it, imagine what it will do for you! You would very easily expand to extraordinary Emotional Genius! Expand your tool box with Language of Emotions, and see what happens!

It would be a shame to have all this already going for you and not step it up! You can start with the free downloads and articles. Get the whole program when you’re ready to really launch your Emotional Genius.
