Faculty Advisor for RSO: Eurasian Student Organization

Faculty Adviser, Eastern-European Student Organization, 2006 – present.
See Constitution.

Along with Assistant Professor Lydmyla Ardanova, I am co-advisor for the EESO.  The purposes of this organization are to represent the students of Eastern Europe at MSU, Mankato, and to create an awareness of Eastern European cultures and languages, within the university and general community.  The EESO:

  1. Allows membership to any student at Mankato State University-Minnesota and to any individual from an outside community, who may be interested in the Eastern European area and who would like to learn more about its culture and languages.
  2. Holds frequent get-togethers and functions in order to create a sense of community among members, and to expose them to the culture and languages of the Eastern European area.
  3. Holds events at Mankato State University-Minnesota campus, such as art shows and keynote speakers, in hope of informing the larger-scale community and the culture of the Eastern European area.
  4. Helps students who are from the Eastern European area adapt to the culture and life of the United States.
Russian-speaking students at Sandell home.
Russian-speaking students at Sandell home.

As faculty advisor, I attended EESO meetings, brainstormed ideas about leadership and events, hosted a trip to the Museum of Russian Art (Minneapolis), helped decide about fundraisers, helped to plan leadership transitions, and encouraged and facilitated activities at the International Festival at East High School in April, 2008.  EESO members contributed community service hours to assist me with translation of documents and messages between English and Russian languages.







EESO Bulletin Board in CSU.
EESO Bulletin Board in CSU.
EESO souvenirs for sale at International Festival.
EESO souvenirs for sale at International Festival.