Acting Director – CETL

My assignments for Spring, 2009 included ¼ time for Acting Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) while Dr. Stewart Ross was on a sabbatical leave.  I coordinated all Faculty Communities of Practice, CETL staff members, mentor program, peer faculty consultants, and a focus group research project. Please click here for more information about MSU’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Please click here for the CETL Annual Report from 2008 – 2009. Here is a powerpoint presentation about CETL’s 2008 – 2009 work.

  1. Coordinate peer faculty consultations for spring semester; provide consultations as needed. Please click here to see one faculty member’s response about the faculty consultations.
  2. Oversee CETL mentor program.
  3. Supervise CETL administrative assistant, instructional designer, and graduate assistant.
  4. Coordinate all CoPs, including the SoTL groups and the FTCP groups.
  5. Attend as many CETL group meetings as possible.
  6. Help with CETL website content if needed.
  7. Attend Academic Service Learning Task Force meetings as needed.
  8. Prepare focus group proposal for the Internal Review Board for Research with Human Subjects.
  9. Develop and implement focus groups for CASTL COPPER project.
  10. Participate in CASTL conference calls.
  11. Handle email and phone calls.
  12. Periodically meet with AVP.
  13. Coordinate the FTCP award luncheon.

    Linda Jacoby and Beth Sandell reported on CETL activities for 2008 – 2009.
    Linda Jacoby and Beth Sandell reported on CETL activities for 2008 – 2009.

CETL is the one place where faculty members come together in cross-disciplinary groups to discuss and improve their capacity as teachers and learners in the university setting.

The underlying idea behind faculty development is that the faculty members are the driving force behind decision-making and program design in the university.  Therefore, assisting faculty members to be as productive as possible will make the entire university more productive.

For me, part of the value of working at CETL is that I learned even more about teaching and learning.  I was able to observe several other faculty members and reflect with them about their teaching.  I was able to observe faculty members in communities of practice as they reflected about teaching.  I was able to learn many things that I will apply to my teaching in EEC.