Mentee at 2014 Posters at St. Paul

Posters at St. Paul
(St. Paul, MN) – February 26, 2014

The first-ever MnSCU poster presentations at the State Capitol in St. Paul took place on Wednesday, February 26, 2014. 48 Minnesota Undergraduate Scholars displayed, in poster format, the work of 35 exceptional undergraduate projects from 7 MnSCU Universities and 5 Community Colleges at the State Capitol in St. Paul. The participating MSU students included Elizabeth Lohrenz, a student that I mentored, who presented a report on her Comparison of Inter-Cultural Competency between American and Russian University Students. 

Elizabeth Lohrenz, Elizabeth Sandell, Rep. Clark Johnson
Elizabeth Lohrenz, Elizabeth Sandell, Rep. Clark Johnson

Detailed information on all projects, including student bios, is available here.

This event drew attention to the exciting work being done on the MnSCU campuses around the state and provided another opportunity to elevate the system’s reputation as a leader in undergraduate research and creative works. The abstract book included a photo and a biosketch of each student presenter. All student presenters received padfolios embossed with the MN Undergraduate Scholars logo and certificates of participation.

This gathering allowed undergraduate students to share the results of their work with legislators and other leaders in state government. Students were encouraged to make individual appointments with their state legislators. Elizabeth Lohrenz from MSU, Mankato made phone calls to initiate the contacts, but our legislators were very busy during the legislative session and did not make individual appointments. However, several lawmakers came to the rotunda to visit with the students. Representative Clark Johnson, Sen. Kathy Sheran, and Representative Kathy Brynaert came to meet students and learn about their research projects.