from Voices Behind the Veil

from Voices Behind the Veil

1. believe that the Bible has been changed through translations and transmission throughout the years and its words are now corrupted. Pray that they will believe that God’s Word is authentic and stands forever. Pray that their hearts will be open to reading the Bible.

2. believe that Jesus was never crucified; that God sent someone who looked like Jesus to be crucified in his place. Pray that God will show them the truth about Christ’s death and resurrection.

3. fear God’s wrath and try to earn God’s favor (and heaven) by doing good deeds. Pray that they will see they already have God’s favor; that god loves them so much that God sent Jesus Christ to die for them.

4. oppressed by the religion of Islam. Pray that God will open their eyes to see how Jesus treated women compared to how Muhammed treated them… how valuable they are to God and how Jesus liberated them.

5. afraid to convert to Christianity for fear of disgracing their families. Pray that God will give them courage to search for God’s truth and strength to receive it. Pray for God’s protection over them.

6. think that women on American television are Christian women and therefore they believe that Christian women are exploited. Pray that God will remove this misconception, as well as other misconceptions about Christianity.