Movie Night: The Shadow of Hate

Guggenheim, C. (Director). (1995). The Shadow of hate: a history of intolerance. [Video/DVD]. Montgomery, Ala.: Southern Poverty Law Center.

The Shadow of Hate chronicles the haunting legacy of prejudice in America over the last 300 years, from the persecution of the Quakers in colonial New England to the ethnic tensions that divide our towns and cities today. Historical photos, archival film footage, and the voices of eyewitnesses bring to life events such as the Wounded Knee Massacre, the lynching of Jewish businessman Leo Frank, and the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. By telling the stories of those who have struggled against persecution, “The Shadow of Hate” illuminates the dark corners of American history. This is part of the ‘Teaching Tolerance’ educational project of the Southern Poverty Law Center focused primarily at combating prejudice in school children. Resources include video, DVD, and teacher’s guide. Watch the film through links at this site: Check flashcards to study the facts at this site: