August Reading: iPad for Dummies

(Mankato, MN): Reading a book every month reminds me to find useful and inspirational resources. This month, I’m reading iPad for Dummies by Edward C. Baig and Bob LeVitus. (Wiley Publishers, 2011). I did not even know how to turn the iPad on!!! (See page 23.) I learned to surf the web, watch movies, take photos and videos, add apps, and more. I installed lots of apps, including Numbers, Pages, and Keynote. I’m using it to read and send email, to read and post notes to FaceBook… I hope it will be handy and easy. After using a PC for more than 15 years, I’m on an Apple product. It’s like a new culture, with similar language and images, but different rules and connections. I need to learn how to sync my iPad with my computer… I need to learn how to upload video to youtube… I need to learn how to use Numbers, Pages, and Keynote because they might be important if I use the iPad in teaching. I’ll be working on this!!! Yikes.