Teaching Philosophy

Dr. Pragman is interested in using instructional technology to teach quantitative course material.  In 2011 she began transitioning her MGMT 346:  Production and Operations Management course from a traditional to a “flipped” course.   A flipped course uses technology to leverage learning in the classroom by providing students with videos to learn course material outside the classroom and then using class time for students to complete their assignments.

Beginning in fall 2014, Dr. Pragman began teaching MGMT 346:Production and Operations Management as an online course. She created instructional videos using Kaltura and embedded them in SoftChalk Cloud learning modules and posted those modules to Brightspace D2L. Students then completed their homework assignments in McGraw Hill Connect. Later, in fall 2016, she began teaching MBA 612: Data Analysis and Statistics for Managers as an online course using the same instructional technologies.