Tips for spotting fake news …are not enough

an old-fashioned cartoon of someone throwing yellow newspapers in the air. Headlines say "Venom" "Attacks on honest officials "Sensationalism"
TC Talk
Tips for spotting fake news ...are not enough

What skills do we, and students, need to deal with fake news and other low-quality information online? (And how have Benton & Abi applied these skills to their personal political disagreements?) And what is missing from the ways instructors have typically taught information literacy? We discuss resources that can be used in the classroom, such as True or False: A CIA Analyst’s Guide to Spotting Fake News by Cindy Otis. We also discuss our favorite historical examples of fake news.

Sources and further reading

  • Bryant, C., & Clark, J. (2 Feb. 2016). Operation Mincemeat: How A Corpse Fooled the Nazis. Stuff You Should Know podcast.
  • Caulfield, M. (2017). Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers. Author.
  • Heindler, F. M., Alajmi, F., Huerlimann, R., Zeng, C., Newman, S. J., Vamvounis, G., & van Herwerden, L. (2017). Toxic effects of polyethylene terephthalate microparticles and Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate on the calanoid copepod, Parvocalanus crassirostris. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 141, 298–305.
  • Otis, C. L. (2020). True Or False: A CIA Analyst’s Guide to Spotting Fake News. Feiwel & Friends.
  • Takayoshi, P., Tomlinson, E., & Castillo, J. (2012). The construction of research problems and methods. In K. Powell & P. Takayoshi (Eds.), Practicing Research in Writing Studies: Reflexive and Ethically Responsible Research (pp. 97–121). Hampton Press.
  • Wineburg, S., & McGrew, S. (2017). Lateral reading: Reading less and learning more when evaluating digital information (Sanford History Education Group Working Paper No. 2107-A1 ID 3048994). Social Science Research Network.