
Areas of Research

Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Buddhist Philosophy 

Publications in Philosophy


  1. How Bioscience Meets Buddhism, 2020, co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, Unjusa Publisher, Korea.
  2. Enlightenment and History: Theory and Praxis in Contemporary Buddhism, 2017, co-translated with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong in English, Bulkwang Publishing, Korea. (Translation of Hyun Eung Sunim’s Korean-language book, Enlightenment and History)
  3. Philosophy of Biology, 2014, Thinking Power Publisher, Korea.

Papers and Bookreview

  1. Book review on Non-self: There is No Such Self” September 2023, The Buddhist Review, Korea, 95.
  2. “Sudden Enlightenment: Paradigm-Shifting Awakening”, 2023, APA Studies on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies, 22 (2): 17-22.
  3. Buddhism Evolving, Looking for the 21st Century Buddhism: Book review on AI Buddhism” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, November 2022, The Buddhist Review, Korea, 89. 
  4. “When Bioscience Meets Philosophy: Major Issues in the Philosophy of Biology” 2011, Philosophy and Reality, Korea, 91:99–110.
  5. “Who’s Afraid of Gory Details?” 2008, Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy, 43:215–223.
  6. “Reduction and Progress in Biology” 2007, The International Journal of the Humanities, 5:133–139.

  1. Buddhism Evolving” December 2021, Buddhism and Culture (a Korean-language Buddhist magazine sponsored by the Foundation for the Promotion of Korean Buddhism), Korea
  2. “Bioscience in light of Dependent Arising and Emptiness: The Gene in Buddhism” November 2021, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  3. “Non-Self from the perspective of the Gene” September 2021, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  4. “Impermanent Biological Phenomena” July 2021, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  5. Stem Cells Dependently Arising and Empty” May 2021, Buddhism and Culture
  6. “Dependent Arising in Life and Environment” March 2021, Buddhism and Culture 
  7. Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory of Dependent Arising” January 2021, Buddhism and Culture 
  8. “The Buddhist idea of Transmigration from the Bioscientific Perspective” March 2020, Buddhism and Culture, Korea.  
  9. “The Evolution of Buddhism 2” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, August 2018, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  10. “The Evolution of Buddhism 1” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, July 2018, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  11. “What Darwin left us” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, June 2018, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  12. “Evolution is neither deterministic nor indeterministic. It is the process of interdependent arising.” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, May 2018, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  13. “The Buddhist Understanding of the Gene 2” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, April 2018, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  14. “The Buddhist Understanding of the Gene 1” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, March 2018, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  15. “Genetics Dualism and Buddhist Criticism” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, February 2018, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  16. “The Concept of Gene and its History” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, January 2018, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  17. “The Buddhist Understanding of Evolution 2: Evolution is not progress but changes” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, December 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  18. “The Buddhist Understanding of Evolution 1: Reconsidering Chance and Necessity” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, November 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  19. “The Buddhist Understanding of Species (2)” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, October 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  20. “The Buddhist Understanding of Species (1)” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, September 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  21. “Enlightenment and Bioscientific Methodology: Misunderstanding of Reductionism (2)” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, August 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  22. “Enlightenment and Bioscientific Methodology: Misunderstanding of Reductionism (1)” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, July 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  23. “Enlightenment and Bioscientific Revolution” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, June 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  24. “The Buddhist Understanding of Death (2)” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, May 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  25. “The Buddhist Understanding of Death (1)” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, April 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  26. “The Buddhist Understanding of Sickness” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, March 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  27. “The Buddhist Understanding of Aging” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, February 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  28. “The Buddhist Understanding of Development in Biology (2)” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, January 2017, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  29. “The Buddhist Understanding of Development in Biology (1)” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, December 2016, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  30. “Enlightenment, Compassion and Biophenomena” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, November 2016, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  31. “Bioscience from the perspective of Buddhist teachings” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, October 2016, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  32. “Buddhist teachings from the perspective of Bioscience” co-authored with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong, September 2016, Buddhism and Culture, Korea
  33. “Sudden Enlightenment” December 2013, Buddhist Review, Korea.

Recorded Lectures

  1. “How Bioscience Meets Buddhism: Sudden Enlightenment: Paradigm Shifting Awakening in Biology” Seoul, Korea, October 17, 2023
  2. “Dependent Arising Evolution: Beyond Darwinian Evolution” Seoul, Korea, October 15, 2023.
  3. Nothing out of nothing: Emergentism is wrong 1/2” Haeinsa Buddhist Monastic College, Haeinsa, Korea, January 4, 2023.
  4. Nothing out of nothing: Emergentism is wrong 2/2” Haeinsa Buddhist Monastic College, Haeinsa, Korea, January 4, 2023.
  5. How Bioscience Meets Buddhism: The Empty Gene“ Seoul, Korea, November 15, 2022.
Publications in Biology


  1. Lee S. H., E.S. Song, S.K. Yu, D. Lee, W.S. Choi, C.C. Lee, and K.Kim, 1994, “Temporal changes in ovarian gonadotropin-releasing hormone mRNA levels by gonadotropins in the rat”, Mol. Cells 4:39–44.
  2. Ahn, H., S.K. Yu, B.N.Cho, K.Kim, K.Ryu, and W.K.Cho, 1990, “Alteration in Prolactin Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Level during the Rat Estrous Cycle: Effect of Naloxone”, Korean Journal of Zoology 33:183–190.
  3. Kim, K., S.K. Yu, H.Ahn, B.J.Lee, H.M.Kang and W.K.Cho, 1989, “Neuroendocrine Study of the Korean Native Cattle: Pulsatile LHRH Release from Hypothalamic Tissues Superfused in vitro, Korean Journal of Zoology 32:275–280.